The Worst #GiftCrimes I've Ever Received!

Posted on the 12 September 2016 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
So yesterday was my 35th birthday (eeeek!) and I'm pleased to say that all of the gifts I received were absolutely lovely, and of course I'd be grateful for anything that someone took the time to get for me even if they weren''re supposed to say that aren't you?!
But luckily, it's true on this occasion - however I think we've all experienced that terrible situation where you open up a gift from someone and you have to do that awful faux "OH WOW! I Loooooove it!" big cheesy smile and find a million ways to gush about perfect it is and how you've always wanted one of those....when actually, you're already thinking of which charity shop you'll donate it to and wondering how on earth this person knows you so little to get it so very wrong!
These are what are known as #GiftCrimes and they happen to the best of us!
Casting my mind back to my childhood when the worst of my #GiftCrimes experiences occurred, the most frequent ones being the times you'd open a big exciting looking present wondering what fun toy might be inside only to find a nighty or a naff Christmas jumper!, but I'd have to say that the one that stands out most in my mind was the time I was given an East 17 pencil case set for my birthday - I could barely disguise the sheer horror on my face, I mean...I was a Take That fan....East 17 were the enemy!!! What was this person thinking?!!
A close second #GiftCrime experience came courtesy of my brother-in-law a few Christmases ago, he's notorious for always giving us "novelty gifts" so I always expect something silly - it's become a "thing" - but that year was really something else! He gave me a book of knitting patterns - bad enough, considering I've never picked up a knitting needle in my life! - but worse still it was a book of knitting patterns for making cat clothes!! I don't even have a cat?!?!?!
I tried to sell that book at a car boot sale a few weeks later, but unfortunately for me my brother in law came along and saw it on my selling table! Cue lots of faux "Oh my goodness, I don't even know how that got there!" exclamations from me - whoops!!!
If you've been on the receiving end of any particularly bad #GiftCrimes, then why not use it to your advantage and enter GiftWink's competition - all you need to do is follow the instructions HERE to enter your #GiftCrime story on social media, and you could win £50 worth of gifts of your choice from the GiftWink website!

Incase you're not familiar with them, GiftWink are a fantastic website offering an end to your own #GiftCrime giving potential - just enter your important birthdays on their website, and use their fab gift-finding tool to source the perfect gift!!
To find out more, please visit
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