The Writer Behind the Passages.

Posted on the 02 April 2012 by Gabrielc @gabrielcommon
Since I was a kid I've always had my head in the clouds, never where it was suppose to be. growing up in the middle of nowhere with no one gives you no choice but to use your imagination. I'll admit I used it a little to often but looking back I see that my imagination is the one think that's got me through life. I've recently started to watch the showtime original series The Tudors, that show is quit accurate as to how things were in the past. No having the technology in entertainment we have television, internet ete... In a world like on The Tudors they had to be more creative in their means of entertainment. Of course where at the time the most popular entertainment was literature. Around that time was when some of the greatest writers lived. With a thought like that kind'a makes me less appreciated my childhood. My family were never rich and when I was a kid the internet was now where near where it is today. When I was a kid the internet was just beginning and it was used more as a tool for education then anything else. We never had cable TV cause we could never afford it and we rarely went to the movies. All of that was really the starting point of my writing career.
One day I just started to put my thoughts down on paper. It was my dreams and fantasy. The lives that I wish I could live and the people who I wanted to be. My imagination was out there. I always entered my writing in contest and always won, well most of the time I won, but I always placed. I remember when I had make the decision to write my first book. I was thirteen and I was sitting with my brothers one night watching a show called walking with dinosaurs. Watching that show gave me and idea, it was something similar to Jurassic Park and that's kind'a how is started but once I finished it was something completely different. It was titled "PI" at the time but now it's evolved into something great. It's now titled "The Lizard Chronicles" and the best way to describe it is Indiana Jones meets in the CIA but I'll most likely begin posting passages from that story after I'm down with the current three. Anyway throughout my growing into a writer I've created the concept of Phantom. It's been working on it for a while and it is the bread and butter of my stories. It's the best of my originals. My originals are the ideas I had that inspired me to pursue a career in writing. They are my oldest and most thought out story ideas. All of which were created in my early teens. Winter and the Legend of Alrum are two of my originals. Anyway I'm in class right now so I'm going to end this here. My dream is to entertainment through my work and inspire them just as my favorite writers such as Ray Bradbury, Anne Rice and George Lucas has inspired me as a child to create new idea. I hope you all get a lot out of my site and please excuse the grammar errors if you find some. I'm not hiring an editor for these passages cause it's expensive but I am hiring one for the Phantom saga and once I make more money I will be hiring them for the passages of this site and be able to put out better quality work.