The Writing and Negotiating of a Hollywood Publicist

Posted on the 20 June 2011 by Jtneely @JoshuaNeely
As of late, I’ve been focusing on writing as a form of business as well as an art form. Writing is one of the three fundamental “Rs:” reading, writing, and arithmetic. Thus, writing serves as a foundation for any career path in any discipline from medicine to entertainment. Focusing in on writing within a career in the entertainment industry, I began conversing with three professionals in the entertainment industry: an associate director of a film festival, an Oscar nominated filmmaker, and a public relations professional. However, I was only able to get a formal interview with the PR professional for a Fox affiliate out in Los Angeles. As part of her job, she writes synopses, press releases, and profiles for television shows and television personalities predominantly in the genre of reality television and documentaries. 
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