The Year of Giving: 3 Ways You Can Do Your Bit for Charity in 2017

Posted on the 05 January 2017 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
The year of giving: 3 ways you can do your bit for charity in 2017 Now that the new year is here, it’s likely you’ll be trying to think of resolutions that you can stick to over the next 12 months. Aside from personal promises you might make to yourself, such as losing weight or quitting smoking, why not make a vow to do more for charity? To help you make 2017 the year of giving, here are three ways you can do your bit for a worthwhile cause.1. Make a donationMaking a donation is one of the quickest, easiest and most effective ways that you can do your bit for charity. There are many organisations that accept monetary contributions, with your cash going towards helping those who need it the most. Donations can take many forms. For example, you can set up regular or one-off payments. It's also possible to make religious donations, for instance by giving Zakat to Human Appeal - a charity that accepts this type of donation online.You can make donations in other ways too. For instance, you could give your unwanted belongings to a local charity shop. These types of organisation can collect a wide range of items, such as clothing, shoes, books, crockery, toys, jewelry and ornaments. Some shops may even be able to take larger items, like pieces of furniture or electrical goods. By giving in this way, someone else may find a use for your unwanted belongings, and when purchased, the money will go straight to the charity.2. VolunteerAside from donating your money, you could give up some of your time to charity by volunteering. By searching on the internet, you should be able to find a plethora of charitable projects and opportunities that you can get involved in within your local community. Whether you give up an hour or a whole day, joining forces with others to make a difference is a great use of your time, and you can feel good that you know you’re doing something that will have a positive impact on others.3. FundraiseFundraising is another great way to do your bit for charity. Apart from collecting money for charity, fundraising can be a lot of fun and it enables others to get involved too.There are an array of organised events you can take part in, such as sporting activities like fun runs, walks, bike rides and more gruelling challenges such as mountain treks and triathlons. If fitness isn’t your thing, you could arrange your own event. For example, you could hold a Great British Bake Off style competition at work, or encourage your colleagues to wear casual or fancy dress clothes to the office for a day in exchange for a donation.By doing your bit for charity this year, you can help to make a huge difference to the lives of those in less fortunate positions. 
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