There Once Was a Puffin

Posted on the 18 September 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur


There Once Was a Puffin
By Florence Page Jaques

Oh, there once was a Puffin
Just the shape of a muffin,
And he lived on an island
In the bright blue sea!

He ate little fishes,
That were most delicious,
And he had them for supper
And he had them for tea.

But this poor little Puffin,
He couldn’t play nothin’,
For he hadn’t anybody
To play with at all.

So he sat on his island,
And he cried for awhile, and
He felt very lonely,
And he felt very small.

Then along came the fishes,
And they said, “If you wishes,
You can have us for playmates,
Instead of for tea!”

So they now play together,
In all sorts of weather,
And the Puffin eats pancakes,
Like you and like me.

Everything in my athenaeum category or tag is here for safekeeping and my personal referencing. Many of the authors/artists have passed away, and some are still alive and kickin’, but all would benefit from you purchasing the full compendiums of their work, or prints, or CDs. Each of these pieces were exceptionally inspirational to me– some for obvious reasons, and some because of the right-time-right-place-situation. If you decide to repost, please keep the author attribution in tact!

athenaeum: noun: a place where reading materials are available for the promotion of learning.


Extra thoughts:

  • I just tagged this “Puffin Poetry”. I can’t wait to meet the person who finds me by searching out that tag one day.
  • I think of this poem on any day where I’m not feeling happy with myself.  It makes me think about shifting paradigms.
  • It’s the comfort of poems like this that make me want to see a blog for children.  I would need at least 4 other co-editors, though– to write, compile, or coerce content– to the tune of at least 8 posts a month.  I also think it’d be weird for someone without kids to be involved at all, right?  Maybe I’ll just nag someone into it instead.