Diaries Magazine

These Faces

Posted on the 31 January 2013 by Augustabelle
Oh, how her expressions get me. Whether it's a sad pout when I tell her I'm leaving for work, a mischievous grin when I catch her going through my purse (again), or an excited smile when she hears her favorite song come on, her faces downright crack me up.  I remember so clearly how thrilled Gaby and I were when she first smiled.  She was a quite serious newborn and took her time in expressing herself those first few months.  I remember how it seemed like all of the other babies around town (because, of course, I knew them all) were smiling already at a much younger age, but my little Biet remained a straight-faced lady.  We would sing her songs and smile at her and tickle her- no dice. But then one day out of the blue, her lips curled up unexpectedly, and eureka, it was beautiful.  Next came grins, and belly laughs, and smirks, and kisses.  And now we have a bona fide little actress on our hands. And I love her to pieces.  Here's a little sampling of the faces one might encounter should one spend the entirety of five minutes with Biet. I give you, "Biet teases Nico with her snack and then throws a fit when Nico finally eats it."  (with a healthy dose of "Crazy-haired, Cheese-obsessed toddler" thrown in too).  :)

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