Diaries Magazine

Things I Love Thursdays!

Posted on the 21 June 2012 by Meltingmoments

Things I Love Thursdays!

There are two things in my kitchen that I am absolutely loving right now (not counting the food)! I am using them both a lot lately and they are both saving me time and making things a whole lot easier in my busy chaotic life. They are:

My slow cooker

Things I Love Thursdays!

I am using my slow cooker at least twice a week at the moment. Sometimes more. It is so easy to just throw everything in there in the morning and by dinner time I  have a beautiful meal all ready. It fills the house with beautiful aromas all day as the food cooks away. I got given my slow cooker as a gift for my engagement party which was 5 years ago and I only got it out of its box after I had the twins.  I now wish I had been using it all that time.

Some of my favorite things to cook in it are: chunky meats like corn beef, pork roast and whole chickens. Or casserole type dishes, with either chicken breast or beef and lots of veggies. The list of things you can cook in a slow cooker is endless; things such as risotto, porridge and even cakes, though I am not game to try those yet. Maybe one day.

My electric steamer:

Things I Love Thursdays!

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