Things I Wish I'd Learned Earlier

Posted on the 10 August 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
I'm lazy. I've left college courses, jobs, fallen out with people - a ton of things, all because I was too lazy to put the required effort into whatever it was I was doing at the time. I've blamed this on things not being right, other people, making wrong decisions, whatever - but refused to believe that I've failed at things because I'm too lazy. The more I tell myself, "It's because you're being lazy", the more annoyed I get and more likely I am to get up and do something!Advice to myself: You're your own worst enemy, but that also puts you in charge of the changes you need to make. You're not victim to external circumstances, only your own lack of will-power. For god's sake get on with it. 
I do not get on with the girls. I have very few female friends. Like, literally I can name two women I consider good friends compared to six men. I've had so many fallings-out with girlfriends I've given up hope of having a Rachel and Monica type friendship, ever. The last few have all been because they thought I was trying to steal their boyfriends, or they were actually trying to steal mine. Awkward. Advice to myself: Never mind. Stick to what you know works. Cherish your true friends, and stop worrying about how they're all of the opposite sex. Who gives a damn, really?
A good love isn't necessarily the right love. I've been in some great relationships, and some not so great ones. But I don't regret a thing. The great ones were fun, romantic and comfortable. Sometimes we wanted the same things, sometimes we didn't. I've discussed marriage and children with a past lover, I moved in with another - each time chasing something that just wasn't there. As great as a relationship can be, as soon I start getting that niggling feeling that it's not the right relationship, I need to get out. Dragging it out only hurts myself and the other person. Advice to myself: Enjoy it while it lasts, but when it's over - let it be over. Be glad that it happened and continue on. Don't cling on to things you know didn't work. 

There are lots of outcomes that would make me happy. It would not be the end of the world if I don't get 'the dream job'. I will not die of unhappiness if I don't ever get married/have children/travel the world. I can do anything I want, but not always everything, and that's fine! I've spent more time worrying about being on the right track, than making sure I actually want to be where this track is leading. Advice to myself: This isn't a bad thing! Rejoice in your variation of your options. Some people don't have any. 

Do you have any life lessons that you'd pass on?