Posted on the 16 July 2012 by Accordingtoamber
People TreeThere's loads of great things to be said about People Tree. Ethical clothes, and the gorgeous Emma Watson connection. However, I have never been on their site and found something that I thought "Wow, I need to buy that!" about. Not once. Ever. imageNights Out On The TownI'm more of a morning person than an evening one. It's taken me ages to work this out. But the days when I'm up early and then to bed early, is when I'm way happier. Because of the above, and the fact that alcohol makes me tired rather than hyper, by half eleven on a night out, I'll be done and wanting to go home to my bed. I haven't been on a night out when I've stayed out til 3am and had an amazing time of it since I was 17. For real. Scary FilmsI like the idea of scary films, and that's about it. I think it all goes with cosy mental scenes of campfires, sleepovers, marshmallows and ghost stories being told with a torch. I'm a total wuss when it comes to watching them though, and whilst I can appreciate a good plot, I will be having nightmares for ages afterwards. Since watching Paranormal Activity, I've lost count of how many times I've woken up convinced that Katie was just stood there staring at me. Freaked OUT!imageSummerThere, I said it! It's out there now. Yeah, I don't really like summer. I'm kinda glad that we've had all this rain tbh because I just don't like the heat. This isn't because I get all hot and sweaty, will probably get sunburn even with SPF factor 50 and don't tan. Although, all of those are true. It's mainly because I'm chubby, and I feel like I have nothing to wear constantly. I can't wear shorts, short skirts, anything too tight, or anything without sleeves - because those things and bingo wings have to be covered up y'know! Once I've pulled on a maxi dress and a cardigan, I'm so covered up that I won't tan even in the slightest and just walking around in the heat leaves me exhausted.Clothes ShoppingI loathe how busy it can get in clothes shops. I will only shop online during sale season because the crowds totally stress me out. I can never find anything that I feel will flatter me that I like. I hate sales assistants that look at me like I belong in Evans. I hate trying things on, finding they don't fit and feeling like I should be in Evans. I also know that I'm a terrible impulse buyer. Unless I'm looking for something really specific, I will not bother shopping in town. I'll do it online, then if I find something I really adore, I'll go into the shop to try&buy it. Anything that you hate but wish you didn't? follow on Twitterfollow on Bloglovin'like on Facebook