Things I Would Love To Learn

Posted on the 04 March 2013 by Taveren37 @mjgraham

Sign Language

I have always loved watching those talented people talking with their hands and fingers. Because I am totally deaf in my left ear it is something that I have always thought would be something worthwhile for me to learn, just in case something happens to my good ear one day. 


To Be a Qualified Barista 
I love my coffee. To know exactly how to make a Macchiato or an Affogato or even a Caffè Marocchino, would be just awesome.


To Ride A Horse
I love this in theory but not really in practice. I have an image of myself on a horse, galloping across a meadow, with the wind in my hair. In reality I sit on a horse and I am immediately struck by just how big they are and how high up I am. Then there is the fact that horses don’t like me very much. They need to know that you are the leader and the boss and will take advantage if you aren’t. So yep they take advantage of me, they know I am a bit scared of them, so they take me for a ride... so to speak.


To Sing 
It would be so wonderful to have a great voice. To be able to sing like Whitney or Celine or Mariah would be so special. My singing voice is ok and I am not going to let my lack of talent stop me! I l still love to sing.
To Paint or Draw Well 
I get the urge to draw sometimes, but when I attempt it, I am disappointed in my sad little efforts. I really am not good at it. I come out with something that looks like a five year old did it.

Camille Monet and a Child in the Artist’s Garden in Argenteuil

Is there something that you would love to learn? I am linking up with Deb at Home Life Simplified for her Listmania. Melanie