…think the Thinks You Can Think

Posted on the 03 March 2016 by Zer @the2women

This what to watch Wednesday I have a surprise,
not something you watch, but read with your eyes.

Yes, it’s Dr. Seuss’ birthday, a day for good times,
good books, good words, and of course, good rhymes.

I can think of nothing better to celebrate this festivious day,
than to pick up a book, so what do you say?

No matter the title, the genre, or cover,
make the most of this day for your inner book lover.

So pick up a book now, no need to delay.
There’s no time like the present to be on your way.

For a good book can take you to far away places,
make you laugh and cry, or put smiles on your faces.

And most special of all are the thinks you will think,
from those stories that started as paper and ink.

Now, pick up a book, don’t make an excuse,
take a moment to celebrate the great Dr. Seuss.

…bi-daily smile…