Posted on the 12 March 2013 by Rodeomurrays4
Last Saturday we had the most beautiful day weather-wise we've had all year, and it was also the big Regional Competition for Lane County's OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books). The competition was fierce! But it was also a lot of fun, and although they just barely missed making the "Sweet Sixteen," they were a great team to watch throughout the entire ordeal, which for them, started back in June. Jonah and his mom started a book club, and they began reading the 16 books on the OBOB list right away. Both Brailey and her best friend Carries stayed in for recess every day for the past two weeks, studying the books (the boys stayed in a couple of times, too) and they all read and re-read and studied questions like you wouldn't believe. They did their best, and their best was great, and their families could not be prouder of them!
Before the big meet, in her groovy shirt Nicholas' mom, Renee, made for them. Personally, I thought they were the cutest shirts there... I may be a bit prejudiced, because I do love Renee and the kids in the shirts, but they were super cool.
Three braids in her hair in honor of their team name.
Look who we found?! Mrs. Myers! She was the 4th Grade Teacher at Buena Vista last year, and the kids all loved her - especially Brailey! I know Brailey has been missing her stories - she is a wonderful teacher!
I caught Brady standing next to the Cat in the Hat...
Brailey and her best guy buddy, Jonah. These two have been friends since they met. They are school buddies, book club buddies, church buddies and OBOB buddies. Oh, and classmates! Super sweet, these two...
Brailey and her bestie, Carrie. They were taking a picture of themselves with Brailey's iPod. They were so excited and they are just the most adorable fifth grade girls you've ever seen. They are so comfortable being themselves, and they aren't trying to grow up too fast (like most of the rest of the girls in their class). They are happy to just be Brailey-and-Carrie and to dance and act silly and have fun. They are two peas in a pod (they have BFF two-peas-in-a-pod necklaces to prove it!), for sure, and both had their matching earrings on for the big OBOB occasion.
The Buena Vista OBOB Champions of 2013, Third Time's The Charm. Pictured from left to right, Jonah, Carrie, Quinlin, Brailey and Nicholas. And think what you like, but they are truly the nicest kids - kind, sweet, considerate and smart!
The supportive little brother... He had a great time watching the quick little battles in the morning! Although he doesn't love OBOB as much as Brailey, I think he is inspired for next year. Brailey and her team members have all decided to take a year off from OBOB next year. They are ready to read the books they want to read, instead of books on a list. There are pros and cons to everything, right?
Brailey, Gracie and Jonah! Gracie went to Buena Vista up until 4th grade, when she transferred to Coburg. And she was there with her team from Coburg (her and another girl from Buena Vista, as well)! Gracie was also on our volleyball team, and it was great to see her! All the girls from the Coburg team knew Brailey, so they came over and said "hi," and it was really sweet. And now? We are moving on to horse shows, 4-H, pee wee rodeos, swimming and reading whatever books we want!