This is My Friend, Raptor Colossus.

Posted on the 05 June 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

I’ve  always been rough-around-the-edges when it comes to naming things.  I was the sort of kid who had two cats– one named Cat, and the other named Conglomerate.  Both names made sense to me, and the cats rocked their names, but I am often critiqued for naming without reason.

This is why, despite my love for Muppets and Monty Python alike, my favorite running gag is actually one from an American human-featured television show, Psych.

I don’t know if you’ve seen the show, but whenever the main character (Shawn Spencer) introduces himself, he always makes up a name for his partner, Gus.  It’s always something random and it always, always makes me laugh.

I also try to introduce my own friends and relatives this way, but no one ever seems to take it as well as Gus.

I don’t know why, sometimes I even give them really cool nicknames like “Raptor Colossus”.

People are strange.

I mean, go ahead, you can give me a fake name–

I’ll rock it like Gus, I promise.

Here’s a sample of Shawn’s madness:


What about you- are you a good name-r of things? Do you watch Psych and love it, too?  Did you catch all the posts from Prompts for the Promptless this week? Check ‘em out!