First up, some of these blogs I see just really need to get hit with a reality stick. I mean SERIOUSLY.
I am tired of seeing "big blog" people bully small blog girls. Look, no matter the size of your blog or how many followers you have on twitter or facebook- YOU STARTED AT 0 ONCE TOO. And if you keep on treating people like crap, you will see it again.
I'm tired of seeing people think they are entitled to just do what they want, when they want, and to who they want just because they are the author of _______ blog and they have a gazillion followers. Ladies- you aren't any better than a blog with 2 followers.
Blogging is strangely like high school in a lot of ways. You find a group, you hang with them. And there's always the "mean girls". Believe me, you know them when you see them. And it's not in a good way. They radiate ignorance and are grasping for attention with the stupid things they do & act.
Just in the last week I cleaned out my blog list. There were some blogs that I've read for a long time that got the axe. Why? Because they got too big for themselves. They started out writing for them. And ended up writing for popularity. It all ends the same way- people start not liking you because the real YOU is lost.
Now yes, we all want big numbers of followers. But I'll be shutting my blog down before I go and act like I've seen some act lately. Deleting them from my Twitter and blog has been a great feeling. And I'd MUCH rather have a few followers who I know read me for ME than a huge following of people who I guarantee are sitting back cringing at what you say and do to others.
Blogging is a great way to meet new friends. I have made several new friends who I consider my GOOOOOOD friends now. And I love that the blogging community brought us together. But I hate seeing those who have made it another popularity contest.
This is just me. And I'd much rather be a little unknown blogger than be a big one who wants to charge my friends money or downgrade my followers for their time to read my daily life.
That's all.