This Mama Needs a Week Off!

Posted on the 24 May 2013 by Elena @croppedstories

So here’s the deal!  Starting tomorrow, I’ll be taking a week off from blogging to spend some much needed time with family!  The hubby was able to get some time off and we have some exciting outings planned for the entire week!  I hope to have some wonderful pictures to share with you when I get back. 

Since I promised the family a blog free vacation, I just want to say “THANK YOU” for any comments you may leave while I’m away and I apologize in advance for not being able to respond to them personally.  And although I’m looking forward to this break, my bloggy site and all of you will be missed terribly!  As much as blogging can be hard work, time consuming, and a PIA (pain in the a#@) at times, I actually love doing it and I’m quite certain I’ll go through some blogging and social relations withdrawal!  Don’t worry about me though, I plan on checking my email at night.  The family has got to allow me a fix otherwise it’s just plain cruel!

What does this mean for you guys?  Absolutely nothing!  And you know why?  Because I’ve got some fantastic Guest Bloggers lined up for the entire week I’m away and I’m super excited to share their posts.  Feel free to check them out ahead of time!  Maybe you’ll make a new friend! 

The post schedule for next week will go a little something like this:

  • 5/27 (MON): Guest Blogger Karen at Karen’s Soiree,
  • 5/28 (TUES): Guest Blogger Marci at Stone Cottage Adventures,
  • 5/29 (WED): Guest Blogger Barbara at Mature Spring Chick,
  • 5/30 (THURS): Guest Blogger Hillary at The Sassy One,
  • 5/31 (FRI): and little ol’ me. I’ll be be resuming my Spot the Differences Game (and I bet you thought there weren’t going to be anymore of these)! 

Before I leave you to the weekend, you have to check out my baby’s new dress!  Once I tried it on her, I couldn’t get it off.  Instead I got “mama, can I get my tiara and be a princess”?  How could I say no!  She wore it the rest of the night and for the first time was happy to have her picture taken!

In case you are interested, the dress is by Jelly the Pug (one of my favorite designers which I just happened to mention this week in my post Toddler Clothing Recommendations from an Experienced Shop-a-holic).  I got it for a steal on Zulily at only $18 (marked down from I want to say $48)!  Not too shabby right?  Go me!  In fact, the price was so great, I purchased two other styles at the same price.  You can bet you’ll be seeing pictures of those too at some point!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention my post (9 Things your Blog Site should Contain) was featured on The Sits Girls!  I wrote it for The Blog Hangout, a site I just became a contributor to about a month ago!  Feel free to check it out!  Also, if you missed my previous post, How to make your Website Visually Appealing, I definitely recommend reading it.  It contains a collection of some great web/blog design tips!

Okay, that’s it!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend and I’ll catch you on Monday, June 3rd!

Technorati Tags: guest bloggers,guest post,post schedule,blog break,vacation,photography,child photography,toddler in dress with tiara,new dress,jelly the pug,zulily