1st ave was under at least 3 or 4 feet of water during the flood and apparently few people had expected or prepared. hundreds, or thousands of cars were swamped on the streets and in parking lots. i overheard one man describe looking out his window to see 3 cars floating in the street below. "look," he said, gesturing at a small lot and a dozen soggy vehicles, "it's a b m w!"
fdr drive was closed. police were occasionally discouraging pedestrians but more often ignoring them. eerie... post apocalyptic.
the open widows made me feel like it'd been left in a hurry.
i was trying to imagine what happened, when three nurses came out of the hospital on the same block.
"oh, that's the car!" one of them said to the others.
i asked. they said they'd watched from the windows as people in the car tried to drive it out as the waters rose. it was too late. they were overwhelmed and stranded, but an ambulance crew, presumably aware because of people watching in the building, arrived and rescued them.