This One is for You, Mom and Dad

Posted on the 16 February 2011 by Alysonisneat

My parents love my blog (heck my dad even thinks I'm funny), but they do often say that I don't take pictures of me smiling.  Well, here ya go, an entire shoot of me smiling.  I have a lot of stories to tell today and I want to get started because if I don't I might just explode or fall asleep.
This Saturday, Sam and I went to Fanny's.  Now what is great about Fanny's, is that they carry Diamond Star Halo vintage and guitars.  Sam is a musician and loves to play on different guitars.  While I'm perusing the AMAZING vintage, Sam is serenading the whole store, while his guitar gently weeps.  It is the perfect place for us to hang out because it meets both of our desires.  Afterwards we can gush to eachother about clothes and guitars. 
This skirt is making its debut on the blog even though I've had it for awhile, and I've worn it a lot.  It is my own little piece of Nickie from Wild as a Mink right here.
My friend Karen (a frequent commenter on here, but she's totally an IRL friend), had her baby today!  I'm so excited to meet their daughter.  My friends had this great idea at Karen and her husband's baby shower.  They passed out nips of liquor (the kind that are $.99 ya know) and gave us the rule that when they had the baby, we were too all toast to them no matter where we are.  I picked Goldschlager because I was sure I would have some Dr. Pepper around (my favorite drink combo).  I didn't, so I just shot it.  Cinnamon-ee and goldish. 
And, now I'm writing this the night before it goes up and I'm exhausted.  To bed it is.
Cardigan: Urban Outfitters
Blouse: Target
Skirt: Swappy Seconds, Betsey Johnson
Shoes: Nine West via DSW