This Priceline Commercial is a Chauvinistic Piece of Crap

Posted on the 05 August 2014 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
Who has seen this Priceline commercial?

For those of you who can't play the video, the girl (played by Kaley Cuoco of Big Bang Theory fame) enters a hotel room with a date only to find her father (William Shatner, of If You Don't Know William Shatner There is No Hope for You fame) has climbed the outside of the hotel building with futuristic glass-scaling equipment he clearly borrowed from Tom Cruise.  There is then a confrontation between the date and Shatner during which Cuoco tries desperately to soothe her father and he straight up ignores her.  Then the date says something sexually suggestive and Shatner throws him out the window (we're talking at least 10 stories).  They briefly show him landing in the pool (if he maybe has a chance of not dying, it's humor!).
What. The. Fuck.

This is my shocked face when I see chauvinistic material on mainstream television.

This is so incredibly chauvinistic.  How is this still considered appropriate (not to mention humorous)?  I mean, think about it.  It implies a number of god-awful things:
1. Kaley Cuoco, a woman of 28, can neither defend herself nor make her own choices regarding sexual partners.

"My period and my emotions and my boobs take up all the space where men have brains!  What should I do, daddy?"  -Probably not Cuoco or any woman ever

2. Her opinion does not matter at all--this woman's sexuality is a thing to be discussed among men (namely, her father and the sexual partner in question) and her pleas are to be ignored.

*I tried to find a funny picture for this using the classic lines used for these scenes in movies and such--"Please don't hurt him, daddy!" "No daddy, no!" etc--and I can only say please don't Google anything like that because what comes up is just...I can't even...let's just say I really hope the FBI doesn't come knock down my door.*

3. It is normal and funny for a man to follow his adult daughter around and spy on her sexual escapades (not to mention take that much of an interest in them anyway...straight up creepy).

Photo courtesy of appeared to list this entirely unironically.  They thought this was actually funny.

4. Violence is okay if the guy is sexing up your daughter, regardless of her age.
5. Violence is funny if the guy doesn't die.
6. ...and somehow all of this has something to do with selling hotel rooms.

Hotel rooms are pretty sexy, as a general rule.  Check out this beauty.

Why does chauvinist shit like this still sell?
What are your thoughts on this?  Are there any other commercials or ads you've seen lately that you wanted to call out too?