Creativity Magazine

This Wednesday Night...

Posted on the 29 October 2012 by Ashleylister @ashleylister

So it is almost Halloween. That means bobbing for apples, home made costumes and relatives doing the Monster Mash, right? Wrong. It means partying until 3am in full out fancy dress does it? Probably not on a Wednesday. Then it must mean having the wits scared out of you by a film on TV? Nope, you're wrong again. You'll have to sit in until 11.45pm to catch a 'scary' film on British TV, and then you're faced to pick between Hannibal and the oh so predictable Halloween 5. Seriously, this is a disgrace. There is nothing horrific on the tellybox and whilst I'm secretly hoping the BBC could pull something out of the bag and run the now famed Saville tributes in favour of Family Guy repeats, I suspect even that would be a disappointment.
This year, for something completely different, a man called Ste (with an impeccably clean record as regards children, I should note) has fixed it that some of the Dead Good Poets will be on Blackpool Promenade, positioned to perform outside the now much publicised Haunted Blackpool installation. This project is one of those opportunities I am devastated at missing but something I know so many people have worked hard on, and who am I to not join them in celebration. Find the tableaus if you're coming from the North and there should be an assembly of people slightly further on your right, head to the Old Miner's Home from the South and you'll meet us just before. One thing is for sure though, I'm looking forward to it. I even wrote a little ditty in the week, such as it is.
"There’ll be ghosts and there’ll be ghouls
There’ll be dames and there’ll be fools
There’ll be wind and there’ll be rain
There’ll be this, then ne’er again. "
I hope to see some of you there.
Thanks for reading, S
PS. Don't ask around for ghost stories when you're A: A nonbeliever and B: Pushed for time to blog. Ideas are haunting me now.

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