This World of Ours

Posted on the 24 December 2013 by Sonica Jackson @sonicajackson

I am well convinced that this world ain’t nothing but a big pile of buffalo shit, dressed up in whipped cream with a cherry on top. The things that people say and do makes this world a big ball of confusion and as I was sitting in my office, I realized that we are all living in a world where everyone is trying to be heard and understood. With each year, things get worse and worse and people get colder and more insensitive than ever before. Do we not realize that the world is a mess because we’re the ones that have created the mess? Humans, that is.

We live in a world where…

If we see someone getting robbed or damn near beaten to death, we rather pull out our iPhones and every other kind of cell phone and record the incident as if it’s an event. We rather record someone pleading for help and then we post the shit on Facebook and Twitter so that people can press the “like” button and share the videos with others and comment on it. And why? Because we wanna be popular by any means necessary. Where’s the humanity? What happened to us? How can we sit by and watch someone in agony and not do a damn thing about it except pull out our phones and record what’s going down? If you’re gonna pull out your phone, at least pull it out and CALL FOR HELP. Wouldn’t you want someone to do the same for you? If someone poured gasoline on you and set you on fire, would you want a bunch of assholes recording it or would you want them to put the fire out before you end up looking like a fried pork rind?

We live in a world where…

Girls (ahem) WOMEN post up pictures of their oiled-up ass and classify this as beauty and being sexy. And then with a straight face, they wanna call a dude thirsty if he’s trying to hook up with her and he’s liking her pictures on Instagram. To add insult to injury, these are the same type of women that say that there are no good men around and that they are tired of men disrespecting them. Welp, if all a man sees when he see you is ass and titties, and all that you’re showing the world is ass and titties, then all he’s gonna want from you is ass and titties. Stop calling a man thirsty when you’re the one that’s willing to be a thirst quencher. And then we have the nerve to shake our heads at these little girls who wanna dress too grown and act like whores. And for the record, a long silky weave doesn’t mean that you’re more beautiful than a woman who wears her natural hair. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve your looks but quit trying so damn hard to look like one of the cast members from Love & Hip Hop and realize that you have to improve your inner beauty before you can improve anything on the outside.

We live in a world where…

Homosexuals are killed by the thousands in certain parts of the world simply because of the gender that they’re attracted to. So in other words, forget that God said that we are NOT supposed to judge anyone. Forget that God wants us to love everyone. Forget that God is love. Forget that God tells us that the most important command is TO LOVE. We become so narrow minded in our holier-than-thou-thinking ways that we think that killing homosexuals is somewhat representing God. Oh, really? Please show me the scripture that tells us to kill homosexuals…don’t worry, I’ll wait. Why do we care who someone is attracted to? Why do we make that topic our business? Now although I am a firm believer that everyone has the right to their own opinions and beliefs, we don’t have the right to force our beliefs on anyone. Furthermore, bestiality doesn’t have a thing to do with homosexuality.  Bestiality is when a person is having sex with an animal. For anyone to wanna compare a homosexual person to a person that has sex with an animal is highly insane and this is NOT a demonstration of God’s love. And yes, Phil Roberston, I am talking to you.

We live in a world where…

If you tell people that you love Jesus, they immediately call you a hypocrite, holier-than-thou, and high-and-mighty. In certain parts of the world, they will kill you if they find out that you are a Christian or if you even mention the name of Jesus. How can we say that we don’t want anyone to judge us but yet, we are quick to judge others? How come we can’t simply agree to disagree? Who are we to force OUR ways down the throats of others? Who are we to make someone like what we like? How can we say that we’re against kids that bully other kids but yet, GROWN PEOPLE are constantly bullying each other on a regular basis. If you’re a Christian, you’re persecuted. If you’re a homosexual, you’re persecuted. So therefore, nobody is respecting anyone and everyone thinks that they’re right.

We live in a world where…

I will always be judged by the color of my skin. Forget the fact that my mother raised me to respect myself. Forget the fact that I have goals that I work on everyday. Forget the fact that I am educated. Forget the fact that although I’m comfortable using slang when I’m just being myself, I still know how to speak proper English. None of that matters when you’re dealing with a certain group of racist individuals who think that I’m inferior just because I don’t have blond hair and blue eyes. Needless to say, the word ‘ghetto’ doesn’t discriminate against any race. I have seen some over-the-top ghetto attitudes coming from the depths of other races that have embarrassed ALL of humanity. So there goes your theory into thinking that only Black people are unruly and trifling.

We live in a world where…

Employers treat the unemployed as if they are second-class citizens. No matter how much experience or education you have, they will make you feel as if you have to sing and tap dance in order to be considered for a job that’s not even paying you what you’re worth. And if you’re lucky enough to get a job, they’ll work you like a Hebrew slave, you will be unappreciated for the hard work that you do, and you will be micromanaged all the way down to your socks. The thought of ‘going to school’ is constantly shoved down people’s necks and so when they finally decide to go to school and get a degree, they still can’t get a damn job…especially a job in their field of study. They find themselves deeper in debt due to all of the student loans that they have to pay back and they become frustrated as hell because they realized that they worked hard to get a degree and they don’t have nothing to show for it but a bunch of bills.

We live in a world where…

Celebrities can’t have tax or financial problems without it being EVERYBODY’S DAMN BUSINESS. Why does someone’s tax issues have to be public record? The main ones that has so much to say about a celebrities’ money and how they spend their money, are the main ones that are broke as hell and wouldn’t know how to manage twenty dollars, let alone millions of dollars. If someone was to expose you for how broke you are and how broke you’ve always been, you’d be ready to bury your head in the sand.

We live in a world where…

We live in a world where…

People will stand in lines during the wee hours of the morning to buy the latest shit at a retail store that they really can’t afford to be shopping at in the first place. We won’t even get ourselves outta bed at five o’clock in the morning to go to work but we’ll do it if we wanna get the latest iPhone. Instead of us taking our money to pay off some debt or invest into our future, we rather take our money and buy a bunch things that make OTHER people rich. How sickening it is that we are so quick to rush to the shoe stores so that we can beat the crowds of people who are waiting to buy the new Jordans…the same Jordans that people are brutally attacking each other over…the same Jordans that you can simply order online in your own time and WHEN YOU CAN AFFORD THEM.

We live in a world where…

A high school student gets suspended and can’t even graduate on time because he hugs his overly sensitive teacher, simply showing her that he appreciates what she does for him. And how does she show her appreciation for his gratitude? By getting him suspended and having him face a sexual harassment charge. So now, his future is delayed based off of an innocent gesture. Humph. I’m pretty sure that there is very special, extra hot, place in hell for a teacher like this. Isn’t it ironic that teachers are always complaining that they don’t feel appreciated but yet when someone shows them appreciation, it’s considered sexual harassment? And can someone PLEASE tell me who was the asshole who came up with the idea that little kids in kindergarten can’t stick their tongue out or hug a girl without it being considered sexual harassment? The lil’ kid can’t even spell ‘sexual harassment’ nor does he or she even know what it means. All they know is that they are in “trouble” about for dong something that was very innocent. It’s a shame that children can’t be children because the adults are so screwed up in the head. What does it say about certain people in education who automatically think that of a sexual act when a child is doing something INNOCENTLY? Hmmm.

We live in a world where…

Parents end up serving jail time if they get caught sending their kids to a school that’s not in the same district that they live in. Oh the horror! Shame on these parents that want to place their kids in a better school so that they can have quality education! Shame on these parents that think about the future of their kids! Shame on these parents that wanna make sure that their kids go out into the world with an educated mind so that they have the best possible future! Such audacity! What a menace to society!Instead of being understanding and respecting the fact that these parents want the best for their children, let’s just lock the parents up because of course, they are extremely harmful to society! By all means, if you see these parents coming down the street, call the authorities immediately and RUN FOR YOUR LIVES because they are sooooo dangerous!

We live in a world where…

Black men are constantly disrespecting Black women by the strike of their fist or the verbal lashing of their tongue…and then they got the nerve to voice their opinion and state their anger about a Black woman who decides to date outside of her race. Welp, if you want her to date within her race, give her a reason to. Stop walking around here acting as if Black women are supposed just to put up with your bullshit. Stop walking around here acting as if all Black women have an attitude problem simply because we have a mind of our own and we’re not willing to be your doormat. Stop walking around here with absolutely no ambition, no plans for your future, no money saved up for your kids’ future, and the only thing that drives you to get outta bed is weed, pussy, and Hennessy. Stop going around here talking about you love your “beautiful Black queen” but you keep cheating on her with random skanks that you meet in the club. And for Christ’s sake, STOP BLAMING YOUR FOOLISHNESS ON THE FACT THAT YOU DIDN’T HAVE A FATHER IN YOUR LIFE! On the flip side, Black women are constantly throwing fits of rage when they see a Black man with a white woman. For the record, just because you see a Black man with a white woman doesn’t mean that she is a pushover that walks around with her head down, saying “yes sir” to him. He may love her because she’s willing to show her appreciation for all of the wonderful things that she do for him. If you want Black men to respect you, SHOW them that you want respect by first learning to respect yourself. Stop saying that he needs to be a ten when you’re not even a three. Stop saying that Black men ain’t shit when actually it’s YOU that ain’t shit. If you spend more money on getting a weave versus helping you and your man having a better future together, get your priorities in order. If you have a wonderful, faithful Black man that works extremely hard to give you the world but yet you have a problem fixing him a plate of food or rubbing his aching shoulders, pass him on to me. Believe me, I’ll make sure he feel appreciated, EVERYDAY.

As we can see, the world we live in is a crazy one and until we start doing things to make it better, it will always stay this way.
