Though the Bar Crowds Are No More Enjoyable, I’ve Grown...

Posted on the 20 May 2012 by Aleeka @Aleeka_Leeks

Though the bar crowds are no more enjoyable, I’ve grown sufficiently inured to it. I prefer intimate gatherings with common people who speak with forethought and lay their tables with an amazing array of homemade viand. Nonetheless, I went to two bars yesterday…two more than I usually go to on the weekends. It was a big day for UEFA futbol, so I whiled away the hours watching Chelsea win the Champions League on a mute tv screen at Woodworks in Brooklyn. 

Before I set off for my second outing, I dropped by my dear friend’s apartment for a moment of normalcy. Spending time with Faizah Malik is always enjoyable, especially yesterday when she introduced me to my new favorite documentary- Helvetica. I highly recommend this Gary Hustwit film about typeface and messaging. Most of the fonts used in signage, magazines, and even this blog are in Helvetica.

These are some of my favorite quotes from the movie:

* “It’s not about the black of the font, it’s about the white space between the letters. Much like music, which is not about the notes but the timing created by the space between the notes.”

* “Helvetica is everywhere. It’s a socialist font.”

* “Helvetica has a push and pull feeling. It makes you feel as if all your problems are contained, or maybe don’t exist at all.”