Three Months

Posted on the 29 September 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

At three months:

- Weighs 15.1lbs! I have no idea what that is percentile-wise, and I don’t care. That just means she’s getting bigger and eating like a hungry, hungry hippo

- Is a tummy time champ! She loves being on her tummy and her neck is getting so strong! I love seeing her be upright and looking around on her own; she’s becoming more and more aware of her surroundings! The only downside of tummy time is that it put pressure on her tummy and she usually barfs all over the place as a result.

- Also loves to work out her legs by standing (assisted, of course). She’ll eventually get tired and her legs will give out, but it’s amazing to feel how strong her little legs are getting! She also kicks them like crazy when she’s laying on her back just chilling out.

- Can roll from her tummy to her back! She is trying SOOO hard to roll over from her back to her tummy, but she’ll get “stuck” on her side and get frustrated with herself, then whine. It’s so cute and amazing to watch. How is she this big already??

- Has found her “voice!” She now just babbles away when anyone holds her in their lap and it’s ridiculously cute! I’m now the crazy person who “talks” with their baby as if she understands what I’m saying.

- Hates napping during the day. She’ll usually nap for a half-hour or so after she finishes eating and then maybe for 45 or so before it’s time to eat again. This makes for one cranky baby by the end of the night, BUT she …

- Now sleeps in her crib at night, and sleeps SOO much better as a result! I’ll put her down for bed anytime between 9:30 – 11:30 (depending on what time she eats her last meal of the day at) and she’ll sleep for at least 6 hours, sometimes longer! I really appreciate the longer periods of sleep at night, that’s for sure.

- Has quite the collection of books already! My mom has bought her three books, including her very first Dr. Suess and Berenstain Bears book, my brother gave her his Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar book, and she has a Lilo & Stitch book as well. I’m going to have to find a bookshelf for her room eventually, or at least something to display things on.

- Found my first gray hair. Ugggggggh! The strand was weirdly half brown and half grey/white. I’m hoping it was just a fluke and that I don’t find any more any time soon. I’m too young for greys!

- Also am losing my “pregnancy” hair. See, when you start taking prenatal vitamins, your hair becomes fabulously healthy from the special vitamin blend. Now that I’m taking my regular vitamins again, my hair is falling out again and my leg hair seems to be growing faster. I’m almost tempted to keep taking the prenatal vitamins just for my hair! It’s gross pulling out handfuls of hair in the shower and Kyle certainly doesn’t like the hair dolls everywhere.

- Am so close to my pre-pregnancy weight. I only have a couple pounds to go, and I’m pretty sure it’s the extra skin that’s accumulated in my tummy area. I’m hoping it will eventually go away. Exercising would probably help.

- Am starting to find “myself” again – as in my pre-pregnancy self. They said in prenatal class that it may take a little while, but neither Kyle or I knew how long that would be for us. I think it’s taken a little longer for me than the average person, but I’m getting there.

- Take waaaaay too many photos of Isla, me thinks. Okay, probably not, but it feels like it! I try to limit my Facebook photo updates to once a week, but it’s hard. I’m thinking I’m going to have to start ordering prints of my favorite photos and putting them in albums for Isla to have when she’s all grown up. I know I love the baby album that my mom made of my photos.

- Still don’t have the guts to nurse in public or in front of anyone. I don’t think I ever will, and I’m okay with that. Apparently for some that changes once you have your second child, but I’m not down with whipping the girls out anywhere. I don’t care if other women do, but it’s just not for me.


One Month
Two Months