“Three’s Company: Lovers, Friends and Devices” Survey by Intel Security

Posted on the 11 February 2017 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

We have come to the times when we communicate more with our fingers and less with our mouth. It has become a common occurrence now to see people sitting around a table and not talking, because they all are busy on their smartphones. This phenomena is not just limited to youngsters. Anyone who has a smartphone or any other connected device is more or less afflicted by this addiction.

In fact, Intel Security recently did a survey about this kind of behavior and found some shocking trends. The survey called "Three's Company: Lovers, Friends and Devices" reveals:

  • 57% of those studied have accepted that they have had to compete with their partner's device for attention on their first date
  • 60% of adults in the survey felt that their significant other paid more attention to their own device even when they were together one-on-one
  • 75% reported getting into an argument with their companion (friend, significant other, family member) over being more attentive to a device while together.
  • While at home, adults in India spend 43% of their time online and 40% in interacting with others face-to-face.

The survey also revealed some shocking facts that hint at the high security risk of devices used by Indian adults. As per the survey:

    46% of the couples admitted to sharing passwords to their social media accounts, 38% share passwords to personal email accounts, and 35% share their work specific devices and accounts with their significant other. This can mean a great security risk as one person's compromised device or password can make the other vulnerable too.

It is clear that we cannot do without our devices. In fact, with Internet of Things rising, we are going to get more and more entrapped in the mesh of connected devices. It is, therefore, imperative to be careful and secure while using all connected devices.

  • Never download pirated software, apps and media.
  • Even when you download an app from Google Store, be careful and check the reviews and other details to make sure you are downloading an authentic app. Lots of fake apps keep on doing the rounds of Google Store. So be careful!
  • Always use good security software like anti-virus, anti-malware. Free products may be convenient, but they may lead to major headache. These days, ransomware is on the rise and a little carelessness can prove very expensive.
  • If you have many connected devices at home, solutions like McAfee Secure Home Platform can help you secure them all.
  • Keep your passwords separate and strong. It is imperative to have strong and unique passwords that are long and include numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as symbols. Wherever available, use multi-factor authentication. And NEVER share your password with anyone.
  • Don't store sensitive data on your devices. If there's any personal information that could compromise your security, remove it from your device. The less information cyber criminals have access to, the better.

That was to keep your devices healthy. But to keep your relationships healthy, you just have to be there for the people you love. And by 'be there,' I mean really being there, not just sitting there lost in your individual device. I must confess here, I am guilty of doing this as much as anyone else. But I do understand the need of controlling this habit. I am sure, so do you.

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