Three Voices by Nora Sarel – The Story Of Unfolding Of A Truth

Posted on the 06 February 2018 by Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

The summary of Three Voices by Nora Sarel is very simple. First Voice I remember. Second Voice I don’t remember. Third Voice I want to forget. Quite simple. Right? No. It’s not that simple as you are thinking. And you will understand that only once you enroll yourself for Three Voices in the institute run by Nora Sarel. You will, in fact, have to qualify in all the three semesters of the course. These three semesters are First Voice, Second Voice, and Third Voice. In reality, these are the three sections of the book. There are 13, 9 and 5 chapters in each of those. Its story has many aspects. Firstly, it reflects the relationship between Jews and Polish. Secondly. it is the story of a family, in fact. Thirdly, it is a life story having a lot of elements of truth based on the testimonials of Holocaust survivors.

There is a mention of a very beautiful poem of the Israeli poet Astar Shamir in the introduction of Three Voices. Nora Sarel calls this book a combination of truth and fiction. In fact, poetry doesn’t end with the introduction. Without those beautiful work of poetry by some fabulous poets in the beginning of each chapter, this book would not have been what it is. As a matter of fact, that small poetry builds the context of that chapter well. Also, that draws a good amount of curiosity to find the connection of those four lines of poetry in those few pages of that particular chapter. War takes everything in life. In return, it leaves a lot of remembrances which are quite painful. No war leaves sweet memories. There is always a loss in any war. Many people lose their roots in a war.

Three Voices Is A Journey To Unravel The Truth of Past

Three voices by Nora Sarel is a journey of a woman to unravel the truth of the past. It is the story of Lena’s life and her loneliness. And what happens when one Lena meets another Lena. In fact, it becomes a meeting of a lifetime for both. And thus starts the unfolding of a truth that is hard to face.
