Thrift Shop, #797

Posted on the 25 September 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

You’ve all heard the expression that “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”  Well, I have discovered the true meaning of those words this week.  We’re getting ready for my daughter’s tea party birthday, and I have been hitting up all of the Tucson area thrift stores on the hunt for pretty tea cups and anything else that might make the party a hit.  Truly…..these special finds are indeed treasures!

I used to love thrift store shopping back in my single days, but so rarely have I gone inside these stores since I’ve lived in Tucson over the last 9 years.  What fun it is to look past the junk and find some gems among them.  My daughter is going to be so pleasantly surprised at her very sweet and elegant birthday party — all to the thanks of thrift stores.

Thrift stores have not just been on my mind lately, as one of the biggest songs around as of late has been Macklemore’s song “Thrift Shop.”  So click HERE to listen, and please pardon the profanity…so unncessary when talking about thrift stores.  Seriously….why?  It’s a fun song though, so enjoy the jammy vibe as I go ogle over my lovely little purchases.