Through the Laughter and the Tears…

Posted on the 31 March 2014 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Donna, Leigh and Jimmy

My brother and sister-in-law blessed the world with a Baby Prince yesterday, he is healthy and beautiful…a Wee brother to the Wee prince.

As I was gushing over the beautiful pictures they sent me, I started thinking about everything they have yet to live through, having such a young family.

The laughter…you know, that baby belly laugh? Or when your 4 year old gives you the giggles so hard you can’t stop, and then pretty soon everyone is laughing so hard they are crying?

The tears…the fighting, the falling down, the bashing each other on the head with things…I mean the boys of course.

The fear you have that you just can’t be there to protect them every single minute of every single day from every single little thing that could ever possibly go wrong, to hell with them growing up and being independent men without you there to watch over them…

That swelling of love you get, when you feel like your heart cannot possibly be any fuller or bigger or it will just explode right out of your chest.

Having children has been by far and wide the most fabulous thing I have ever experienced in this life. I can’t imagine never having felt that total unconditional love for another soul that you get from having children.

The Boyz

I miss the baby days, and the four year old days and the ten year old days…I miss them needing me. I miss being responsible for their well being and well, just everything.

They grow up so fast, you just never see it coming…one minute you are looking forward to grade one more than anything on the earth so you can just have 10 free minutes to have a shower, and the next minute, you are having a shower because you don’t really have anything else to do. Your house is clean, it’s quiet…and there is no one bugging you to drive them somewhere.

You have to replan everything. You have to adjust to life where most of the time it’s just you again. It takes some time to get used to that.

I have no idea how this post got all turned around, it wasn’t supposed to be about me, really. My heart is so full of all the joy that is in my family. Not just today, but always. I am really so blessed to have been born into this group of people.  And now, it is expanded by one more, one beautiful baby prince who I look forward to spoiling and loving.

That is the awesome part of my brother waiting FOREVER to have babies…now I am free for full time baby loving, on a whole new level. One where it is going to be all about the love, and the spoiling, and of course teaching them bad things that will inevitably get me into some kind of trouble.

I am their only Auntie…it just seems like my job.

And I am up for it, arms and heart wide open.

So welcome Baby Prince, we are so thrilled you picked us to be your bad influences in this crazy life, we will love you like crazy…