I just linked up on the Throwback Thursday, hosted by our past-Poblano, Part-Time Monster, as well as Adventures of a Jayhawk Mommy and The Qwiet Muse.
I shared a post from three years ago, darker and more aching than anything Rarasaur readers had seen from me at the time. It was a submission for Prompts for the Promptless, when we were still doing that, before...
Well, before everything.
That post was a shifting point for me, in the blog world. I went from posting mostly happy, silly things- like this one about my mysterious back pain or this one about beans- to something a little more complete. No one knew what I was talking about then, of course.
I am a vague writer by nature, and a happy storyteller by choice.
It would be a whole year before I would go to prison. In that year, we would do more prompts, celebrate a few made up holidays, go on a mysterious blog tour, hang out on Christmas, turn into chili peppers for a 30 day stretch, and distribute Magic the Bloggathering cards. Rarasaur readers would read over 300 posts, leaving tens of thousands of comments. Can you imagine?
Right now, I am compiling short vignettes about the really ugly parts of my last year.
I don't know what the moral is, if there is one. I don't know if there's something we can do, for my heart that holds the hurts, or for future hearts that may run into the same hurts. I don't know if the writing is good enough to even post here- but I am writing it.
And because we've done so much together, I know you will read it, and when you do- please remember that I am asking you for the hardest of all things...
I want you to laugh.
Because I couldn't tell the story if I thought it'd make you cry.
Is it easier for you to write happy stories or sad stories? Did you link up one of your old posts for Throwback Thursday? (Remember, Cheer Peppers never die, they just move past November... If you're a past-Pepper or past-Cheer-Pepper and you have a project that deserves a little love, just let me know. I don't just post my contact information for the funny spambot emails, you know.)