Self Expression Magazine

Throwing Dr. Who Pig Roast

Posted on the 12 September 2013 by Forevermelody

My birthday party is just a little over a week away and this is what's we've accomplished so far.

  • Dug a 3 foot deep pit
  • Ordered a 60 pound pig
  • Picked up a pile of almond wood 
  • Bought 4 burlap sacks (to wrap the pig in, we're using this blog as a guide)
  • Acquired corrugated metal (to cover the pit)
  • Washed and stained the backyard furniture
  • Installed sun-sails over the picnic table
  • Finished the chicken run gate (so the chickens don't get out and poop all over the place)
  • Ordered a Tardis cardboard cut-out and tiki torches
Throwing Dr. Who Pig Roast


Throwing Dr. Who Pig Roast
We still need to build a couple pinatas; I'm thinking a cyberman head and a dalek. 
Throwing Dr. Who Pig Roast
That Dalek Pinata is available on Etsy for $50, but it think with some card-stock, paper mache, tape, paint and ping pong bolls, I'll be able to make something just as good and cheaper. As for the cyberman, round is a great shape for pinatas because you can use a balloon as the main structure. 
I also need to decide what I'm going to wear. I was pleased to find Hot Topic has BlackMilk knock-off leggings for a fraction of the price (and they're buy one get one for $10 right now). They also have this cute little Dalek dress for a $26.50. I'll probably go with the tights and a tunic-style top. 


Dr. Who party outfitI'd also love to learn how to do my nails in this amazing galaxy pattern. I'm pretty terrible at doing my nails... so we'll see how this works. 

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