
Posted on the 03 May 2012 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks

Thunderstorms, not always my favorite thing.
They're loud, scary, unpredictable and honestly don't let me get enough sleep at night!
it's been "clapping" over here all day between the humidity and rain it really  isn't ideal weather, i'm hoping Soccer is canceled because i don't have much sleep and am super absorbently exhausted, and i'm tired from carrying a Sousaphone all week

oohhh, me likey that one-it's all shiny and prettiful!
anyways! back to my exhaustion, i am tired, and EXCITED for my 4-day weekend, sounds like there will be lots 'o stuff to do, and plenty to keep busy with, have a great weekend everybody, enjoy NOT being tired!

LOL cat for ya Godbless! LizB
"In Him, You will not grow Weary" Him=God=Gotta love having' a savior!