Thursday 13.09.2012

Posted on the 11 August 2015 by Therealme

From my grandma’s window, I saw three kids returning from school. The guy said to Margaret’s friends that he’ll tell out who she loves. She said she doesn’t love anybody and that Nick is gay. Gay and maniac. Me? Margaret said:
-Nick is a maniac. He sent a little plane towards me and he touched me for my ass, so when I slapped him.
So, it was about my neighbor Nick from her class.
Her friend caught up that someone touched somebody’s “tit” to which Margaret wondered. Madeline’s voice attracted everyone close.

From grandma D.’s I rushed home to see the “mines” from the bus.

Sarah called me from mum’s phone to tell me her daily report: She’s already used to most of professors so the reports are quite shorter now. Test running on 100 metres – Sport, introducing the computer’s parts – Computer Science.

This time I asked her some questions that I might be asked from my male faculty colleagues willing to become my friends:

1: “What football club do you cheer for?”

She didn’t think they’ll ask me that from the beginning, in any case she told me I to choose some football club about which I’ll do some research on the Internet about its players. Personally I think Real Madrid is the best, but I picked Barcelona because M. is a fan of it, therefore I already know some players.

2: “Do you go out?”

It was harder than the previous, however Sarah told me to say “In Zlox there isn’t where to go out, and in Preevytip, we can’t get organised ”.
She felt it very important that Andrea will be with me. But she is one in more than 52. We were wondering what if they ask “Who with?”

3: “Do you jerk off?”

Actually I referred it as “about the self-indulging”. She was direct: “Yes”. “But the answer’s “no”” – I said.
-You will say “Yes”.
-I can’t lie.
I can’t do it. It one of the commandments given directly from God the Father. Very vital.
-Well, for the others that you’re gonna say, isn’t that lying?
-It’s not. Because at that moment I’ll more or less cheer. I’ll pretend that I cheer.
Yes, I’ll make myself. It won’t be lying. In fact did I already lie to her when I answered her I arrived earlier from grandma’s with the words: “Well… I was bored”? The real reason was to see the “mines”. But maybe I’d have left because of boredom.

About the second question I have gone out twice in COOL this year.

We didn’t work out the solution. Should maybe themselves create so high opinion about me so that they’d be afraid to ask me?

I wondered how would I manage myself about it if I lived with a roommate (Tag: wet dreams)? Does it mean all roommates masturbate?

Anyway, I won’t break the commitment towards God, just to change the answer. I won’t.