Lesson 4. Business. Adele went to other classroom and the lesson’s plan was so big that it had to be erased. Andrea didn’t write the erased sections so she asked me twice if I had written it, she to rewire it from me. I offered her we to swap our places so she could look at the left side of my notebook. She accepted. I wouldn’t have written this, if she later, while waiting, hadn’t invited me to return to Zlox with her friend Mosquito. I refused, I didn’t know him enough. Did she do it because I was good?
Before that, as we had a replacing sport’s professor (and Sport as a last lesson), Sarah was asking some students if they want to go home with taxi earlier. First she asked E., then Diana, Mary, Derek, Darryl, Andrea, and not me, the guy from Zlox was sitting next to her. After some students refused her, she finally popped the question to me.
-Nick, do you want to go home with taxi?
-I don’t want to be absent.
She said sth that the professor won’t write us in the diary. Anyway, I refused. They (Sarah, Mary, Darryl and Diana) asked the professor. E. and Derek left on foot. Jacob (the prof.) asked me why I didn’t leave with the rest from Zlox. To be honest, now, after two weeks I don’t exactly remember the answer. I remember I said two sentences. Then Tiffany asked me the same thing. I said “Because she (Sarah) called me the last”. She asked another question. I continued: “She asked Andrea, Ethan, Diana, she asked me the last.”
-Ee Nick for what kind of details you get angry.
-Well isn’t it like that?
-(after a while) You know the best.
Of course I know the best, just like everyone knows what’s best for him.
To her it was nonsense, to me it was gaining respect. I didn’t make wrong decision. Later, while waiting Al asked me about my cousin Steven. I saw the man who repaired my PC. He was with his wife and daughter and he said “Hello” to me. I have never seen so patient people. I saw Mitage, the van driver from the first year. It was very, very interesting. Why is it past now?