
Posted on the 15 March 2012 by Elliesoo @EllieSooTweets
So Happy Pi Day yesterday. I am not an engineer, nor a math-wiz so I don't know what you typically do to celebrate Pi Day. Maybe crunch numbers or play calculator games.

Has this ever happened to anyone?! I was called out for unfollowing someone on Twitter. Mind you, I don't even remember following this person and Twitter is not perfect so sometimes it looks like you are following someone while other times it looks like you are not. The system is pretty flawed. Anyway, this person used a program that tells him who unfollows him and then he proceeded to pick at random a few of those people and tweet out that we left him. Can you say "drama queen/I live in a high school bubble"?! Some people continue to amaze me in a bad way. The reality of Twitter and social media in general is that people come and go, so don't take offense because it is what it is. And besides, most people are complete strangers to each other on Twitter. I thought Facebook was bad, but this takes it to a whole new level...
Montana Grizzlies men's basketball made it to the NCAA March Madness.. okay I know very little about basketball but I know they made it into the finals for the tournament and play today against Wisconsin. So Goooo Griz!
I had to go through all of my cards and relabel everything to match up with my new store. I believe I went through roughly 200 cards over the last 3 days. I think I'm finally caught up though. It still makes me mad that certain places heavily police what is handmade and what isn't. I'm trying to get over it but it still makes me mad.
I joined Fiverr to see what it's all about. I've heard a lot about it lately. Anyone else use it?
I updated my Tumblr page.. so pretty now!