Thursday Morning Flowers

Posted on the 05 July 2012 by Dianefergurson
With the exception of a few bush roses that continue to bloom and bloom and bloom, the majority of our roses have ended for the year.  I've been going out in the early morning, before it gets 100 degrees outside (eye roll -unbelievable, I know), to continue clipping for bouquets and also deadheading the plants.  The more you clip and deadhead rose bushes (some varieties), the more they will continue to bloom.
A couple of the bouquets made it into my studio.  Even though my work table is completely cluttered - I've been working on several mixed media projects lately - there is always room for flowers.  The mason jar in the photo I've saved and love to use for flower bouquets.  It comes from a co-worker of my husband's who has a ranch and is also a beekeeper.  Every Christmas we're thrilled when a jar full of his fabulous honey arrives on our doorstep!

Roses are gorgeous when paired with hydrangeas in a bouquet.  My neighbor's hydrangeas are still in bloom and I manage to clip one or two every now and then (with her permission).  In the background of the photo is one of Adam's paintings 'Brain Rain" - one of my absolute favorites.  You can read more about Adam's artwork in this interview.
If you enjoy roses, you may also be interested in blog article I wrote recently for the Mind Body Spirit Odyssey.  Roses have been named 2012 Herb of the Year by the International Herb Society.  You can read more about  it here.