Thursday Night Photo Shoot…

Posted on the 17 May 2013 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

I have a funny story to tell, seriously I do.

But I am just too tired to be funny. I just did six days straight. It’s spring. I work in a kick ass garden centre. Nuff said. So here I sit watching the finale of American Idol. I am dealing with all the bizarre shit they are playing because I already got to see Keith sing.

Other than that, absolutely nothing too exciting is happening, but… as always around here, there is outside fun, everything is growing like crazy and the wildlife is well, wild…

This is what was going down in the yard tonight.

My new mini fuchsia, so cute.

The blueberries are blooming, and the bees are all over it…well not in this picture, but trust me, they are.

And then there is this anomaly…

There are more bees at the hummingbird feeder than hummers…and the hummers aren’t too sure what the hell to do about that.

Cute huh??? They are crazy like the bees right now too, when they can get a turn.

I love this shot with the wee ant and the bees in the back…coming in for a landing boys….

They are definitely loving the sugar water, which maybe tells me I should have more flowers, right?

This is my favorite shot…

There was so many of them it was almost not comfortable standing among them while I was taking pictures.

I planted half of my hanging baskets today, they are going to be fabulous!! I will post pictures once we start getting some growth on :)

Happy Thursday night loves xox