Ticket to Ride

Posted on the 24 August 2012 by Liz @RiderChronicles

By Jamie

When my husband was renewing his tabs on his motorcycle and truck he got these two little gems.

What the heck does this have to do with the bus?Well, for the next two years (beginning in June 2012) each household who renews tabs will be able to get 8 free tickets from King County Metro.I was like, oh hell yeah!I have an Orca card, so I don’t personally need them, but it sure is handy to have some “spares” so I can take a friend along, or better yet a husband.JObviously they are trying to give incentive to those who rarely ride, because they have the convenience of their car/truck/motorcycle.I think that is great!They expire between 60-90 days from when you receive them, which is not awesome since like most of my coupons I usually let things with short expiration dates expire.BUT…you can also choose to have your 8 tickets donated to King County human services (wish that wasn’t so vague).Donating your tickets may be critical in the coming months as the “Ride Free Zone” (which is roughly downtown Seattle) is coming to an end September 29, 2012.That means that lots of low income/homeless folks are going to have to fork out $2.50 to ride the bus a short distance; people who live on the streets and need access to essential services such as the Urban Rest Stop or soup kitchens or health and mental health care or food banks.I know, I know tough choices need to be made in today’s economic climate, but this one just makes me cringe.
The one thing I’m not loving about this new incentive program is that you get one set of tickets per household, not per registered car.But please, if you don’t like riding the bus, don’t think you’d do it in a 60-90 day window please consider taking a minute or two to fill out this little yellow sheet (they have a simple box where you can check to have them donated) and mail it to Metro.That’s 8 people who may be able to make it to their housing appointment so they can get subsidized housing or to their pharmacy to get needed medication or to the Urban Rest Stop to take a shower and wash their clothes…more or less to do the things that you and I may take for granted.That’s my one plea…if you can use them great, if not please don’t let this little yellow slip go to waste it could mean a lot to less fortunate King County residents.