How is it that 12 hour days aren’t enough anymore?
With wrapping up a few big projects and getting started on a few new ones, I haven’t been able to put as much time into blogging…and it bums me out. It’s discouraging when you’re spread so thin over multiple areas, you don’t feel like you are excelling in any one particular area — especially when you’re working so darn hard!
But I got really sick last week and I honestly think it was exhaustion. Just plain ol’ exhaustion. Even though I don’t wanna, I know what I need to do to take care of myself, my clients and all those potential collaborators I haven’t had a moment to email back! Take a week off from blogging.
It’s not a cliché: things change once you have kids. All of a sudden you find you don’t have the time or the energy to do all of those amazing ideas you’ve concocted for yourself in the middle of the night. And you don’t want to either — you’d rather take your daughter to her first dance class (like I did on Wednesday!) and see her face light up and talk about it for hours afterwards.
( My tiny dancer )
But I sincerely hope you will all be back Monday, 2/20! I’m giddy with excitement about some new developments: first, what that house photo shoot was all about, and second, a new site design in the works!
I said I would take care of myself, didn’t I? Trying to be better about that, really I am!
With gratitude,