Tips for a Mummy-friendly, Child-friendly Home

Posted on the 03 December 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
When you become a new parent, you hear a lot of advice and tips from various sources on how to baby-proof your home - but one thing I never gave much thought to were the things I could do to mummy-proof my home.
As a new Mum, life can be stressful enough and babies can be messy little creatures - so in order to avoid driving yourself mad with constantly worrying about cleaning and safety concerns, here are my top tips on how to reduce home worries with a baby around.
1) Wooden floors

Carpets can be cosy of course, but babies and toddlers tend to spill things....a LOT! Whether its knocked over drinks or leaked bodily fluids, carpets can get stained and stinky fast with children around and I personally find it so much easier to keep wooden floors clean. I would recommend wooden flooring to any parent, particularly when paired with rugs for a gentle surface for baby when crawling.
There are so many different types of wooden flooring available now such as engineered oak flooring and unfinished engineered oak flooring, and they don't have to break the bank either - well worth looking in to!
2) Avoid light colours
Everyone loves a nice bright room, but light coloured furniture is only going to be a nightmare to keep clean and lightly coloured walls are just blank canvases to little artists in the making - personally I find it so much easier to disguise a multitude of sins by using darker colours in my decor!
3) Keep breakables out of reach

It may seem like an obvious one, but I've lost count of the number of ornaments and trinkets I thought were safely out of reach only to find that baby had grown and could now reach and destroy my favorite things! The higher up, the better!
4) Go for rounded edges
One of the first things I got rid of when my son was my coffee table - it was very low and seemed perfect head-hitting height, with its sharp edges it was a disaster waiting to happen! So it was replaced with a rounded one - and now that we're shopping for a new dining table and nest of tables, it's rounded all the way on our shopping list!
5) Keep a bin nearby
The first months with a newborn see a lot of nappies and wipes used, and depending on how far away your main bin is it might be an idea to have a diaper genie or a waste basket nearby to save yourself a gazillion trips every hour with a baby in tow!
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