Tired of Miley Cyrus

Posted on the 12 November 2013 by Sonica Jackson @sonicajackson

Lawd, have mercy. Where is a belt when you need one? I thought Miley Cyrus learned what NOT to do once she embarrassed herself on the MTV Video Music Awards Show, performing with Robin Thicke. Certain celebrities even expressed their disgust and concerns in regards to her slutty behavior. If you can get Sinead O’Connor to come out of hiding and write you a publicized  “come to Jesus” letter, you must be really screwing up.

Well, during her reign of bitchassness, Cyrus recently performed at the MTV European Music Awards Show displaying her ratchet behavior but here’s the kicker: Girlfriend decided to smoke a joint onstage. I found myself asking, “Where in the hell are her parents?” I know that she’s grown but do they not know that their daughter is acting and looking like a sideshow freak? Do they not care? If they don’t feel embarrassed, let me be the first to say that I feel embarrassed for them.

Let me be real: I never thought that someone white could take the word ‘ghetto’ to a whole different level. It’s very obvious that she is trying so desperately to shed off her squeaky clean Disney image but just like shedding pounds, IT TAKES TIME. You can’t be kid-friendly one day and then wake up the next day and decide to act like a slut donkey.

So Ms. Miley, this is what I have to say to you:

I understand that you want to emerge from ‘kiddie land’ and show the world that you no longer want to be known as just a kid star. However, you are truly going about it the wrong way. SOMEBODY IN YOUR CAMP SHOULD BE TELLING YOU THAT! Work on having a wonderful, distinctive style that the audience will love for years to come instead of being a damn gimmick. If you’re looking to be a gimmick, you need to understand that gimmicks don’t last. The minute that something else better comes around, you will be completely forgotten about and the main ones that you THOUGHT loved you, will be talking about you like a dog when you fall flat on your face. Nobody is gonna take you seriously when you’re trying so hard to live up to this ”bad girl” image that you’re trying to convince people that you have. Sometimes, I don’t know whether to call you Miley Cyrus or MOLLY Cyrus because you’re acting as if you’ve popped a molly. Stop trying to be this hard chick that you clearly are not. If you was to go in the hood and get tested by a real hood chick, you’ll quickly denounce your throne as a bad girl and be ready to be Hannah Montana just to get yourself out of an ass whoopin’. Had you went to the hood and started twerkin’ on Keisha’s man, she would’ve given you the business so bad, that you would’ve wanted to be a nun after it was all over. I don’t know who is in your ear, encouraging your horrible behavior but clearly, they don’t have your best interest at heart. Don’t allow people on your payroll who are afraid to tell you the damn truth about yourself. And for the record, there is a difference between being sexy and SLEAZY and someone in your camp needs to teach you the difference between the two. I’m not a Sinead O’Connor fan but instead of you rebuking her sound advice, take heed to what she told you and start making some changes for the better. I know that you may think that she’s just some crazy lady but the truth of the matter is that everything that she said to you is true. I’m not trying to be a “blog bully” and make you feel like a piece of shit but you don’t need to compromise who you are to get to another level in your life. You’re too beautiful to present such ugliness. Translation: Put some damn clothes on and get a grip because as of right now, your true talent is being overshadowed by your foolishness.
