To Be Or Not To Be

Posted on the 11 July 2011 by Winkin' Cap @Shruti_Kohli
My FB pal Vaishali is confused as to why do we have so many worship places, and feel the need to visit them,when God is everywhere???

Someone said....air is everywhere, but we still need a fan to feel it!!! Isn't it???

hhhhhhmmmm Vaishali!! God and air are doing a Jack Griffin here. They are invisible as was Griffin who in desperation clothes and bandages himself to become visible to be able to earn a living. You see life's hard upon the invisible being doesn't matter if it's God or the devil. So they have to find something to present their identities. Likewise, God found temples and air found the fan.
Now Vaishali just look towards your right. I'm right there. But you won't see me. So I found Facebook to make myself visible and acquainted to the big huge world.Nah! don't mistake me. Am not doing a Griffin here. I'm doing a God!! I always knew about my divine traits. But I don't believe in concrete structures of worship and devotees. Facebook & friends work just fine for me.