To Each His Own!

Posted on the 03 September 2013 by Yamini
It was a busy Tuesday afternoon in a corporate bank. Most of the employees still looked bored, this often happened on Mondays as people drag themselves to reality of a week, from the enhanced reality of a weekend, on a Tuesday it was quite unusual. As it was time for lunch, slowly employees started moving towards the cafeteria in separate groups. Lunch time was something they looked forward to, they would spend about an hour relishing the food from people who brought food packed from home and commenting on how useless their canteen was as compared to the other companies. While on some tables people ate as if they were at an important task and wouldn't liked to be disturbed, on some other tables there was a lot of noise which was reminiscent of college.
As Ankush finished his lunch and walked out of the cafeteria for a quick smoke, he cross Likhit, who was talking animatedly to his friend.
"How are you? You seem to be in quite happy. What is happening?"
"No I was just talking about the film I had seen in the morning. It was a brilliant one.", saying this Likhit almost wanted to talk about the film but restrained himself.
"Oh. But wait you watch a film early in the morning?"
"Well...", saying this both of them laughed.
"What is happening with you?", asked Likhit.
"Nothing is happening since morning. The internet has been down and I'm unable to download my course videos, I'm quite irritated."
"Videos?? Course?? What course?"
"Oh! I was doing some random course on Social Epidemiology"
"Oh!!", said Likhit.
After the small talk, they just walked on.
"A course on Social Epidemiology. I don't even know what that means. Who ever does it. He is weird, don't you think", said Likhit to his friend referring to Ankush.
"Movie, early in the morning and talk so animatedly about it. World is surely filled with weird people", thought Ankush as he got back to his desk.