To Purpose!

Posted on the 20 December 2014 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Without counting on milestones or holding my breath for pardons, I have exactly one more year to do in State Prison as of today. It is my countdown anniversary!

In celebration, I've decided to compile a list of goals for the coming year-regulated by circumstance and moderation by mandatory limitations. As always, I am counting on you to keep me on track and hold me accountable. My word for this new year is PURPOSE. I will find it, forge it, and live with it, wherever I go. What's your word for the new year? What are your goals? Which goals do we share?

  1. Write 100 letters. Mail at least 52.
  2. Make a dozen awesome holiday cards.
  3. Make a vision board for my post-release life.
  4. Keep a daily gratitude list again.
  5. Celebrate Valentine's Day.
  6. Do not cut my hair.
  7. Memorize a great poem.
  8. Learn to French braid.
  9. Learn to sign a children's song.
  10. Keep a food log.
  11. Memorize Pi to 2000.
  12. Learn everything about chakras.
  13. Learn to make a paper crown by memory.
  14. Learn to write LOVE in Russian, Chinese, Hindi, and Arabic.
  15. Make a stuffed animal.
  16. Practice writing in a cool script font type.
  17. Make a rawrsome purse.
  18. Write a book of prayers.
  19. Write a themed chapbook of poems.
  20. Pick 8 random important people and learn all about them.
  21. Learn two card games.
  22. Do 35k situps.
  23. Fully annotate a Bible with my own notes and thoughts.
  24. Write to 3 famous authors to say hey.
  25. Embroider a dinosaur onto something.
  26. Recruit outsiders to send holiday cards to my girlies in here.
  27. Read 37 books.
  28. Make a list of 1000 books to read when I am free.
  29. Collect 12 rawrsome drawings.
  30. Write 37 posts.
  31. Write 100 pages of my jailbird book.
  32. Learn 3 types of knots, at least one that works as a clasp.
  33. Participate in a blog challenge.
  34. Learn proper shorthand.
  35. Make a wish list.
  36. Memorize how to make a basket or a box from paper and/or cloth.
  37. Draw. Regularly.