To the Twitter Machine

Posted on the 26 July 2012 by Bridgesfolly @Bridgesfolly

I don’t have a twitter account.

There, I said it. It makes me feel like an out-of-touch old timer to say this but I just don’t understand the appeal. Why would I ever want to use a service that allows me to tell the entire world the first thing that pops into my head and any given moment? It’s 2am, I’ve been drinking, and suddenly I want the entire world to know of my secret long-standing love affair with Sailor Moon because that sounds like a fantastic idea. No thank you, Twitter Machine, we both know how that would end.

While I may not understand the appeal of having one myself, a very large portion of the general populace does. So What happens when you give millions of individuals a platform for their thoughts? A whole lot of WTF. 

After seeing a post on Jezebel, about women of twitter saying they found James Holmes attractive, I became inspired. Could people really be posting such idiotic things on such a public forum? Why yes, yes they could be. Thanks to the internet we have become a society that ‘posts first’ and thinks second.

So, today I present the first Wendesday WTF. I took to Twitter and searched Does it make me a bad person in the hopes of finding the ridiculous musings of the twitter hive-mind. Here are the top ten, and my thoughts:

Have you seen that South Park Episode? It sends shivers of disgust down my spine just to think about it.

Yeah no, of course not, who needs fidelity? Pft, what are marriage vows anyway?

No words.

It’s called developing a sense of empathy, Dick.

Yes because seeing a poorly written TV series is among the standards for being a good person.

At least she takes responsibility?

It definitely makes you a douche-bag.

Please don’t reproduce.

Good thing for her the wish fairy doesn’t grant the wishes of psychopathic tweens. I never did get the pony I wanted.

No, but your lack of punctuation/grammar does.

So readers, please tell me what you think of this idea. Would you be interested to see more? Are there particular topics you want me to find the buzz on? Do you have any tweets you’ve come across that made you go WTF? Feedback is much appreciated!