Diaries Magazine

To Theme Or Not To Theme #atozchallenge

Posted on the 23 March 2015 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

To theme or not to theme?

I am not even sure if that is the question at this point. But I am very excited about the April A to Z Challenge 2015 and thought I'd be crazy not to join the theme reveal Blogfest party! I confess though, there was a point in the past two weeks when I actually contemplated not participating. Stupid, I know. I got over it.

This is my third year with the A to Z Challenge and I know I am going to love it as much as I did in 2013 and 2014

Over the past week, I've had friends proudly announce that their Theme Reveal post was ready to go. Some, like me, are participating with more than one blog and I stood up and cheered for them. I admire them for their planning. I also enjoyed brainstorming themes with some participants to help them get over their "I've signed up but have no clue what to do" and it was fun!

I, on the other hand, am not entirely theme-less. I just have the problem of plenty. Like last year, I've been writing down ideas. I love the process of planning. Even if I don't end up with a theme, I know my idea book is brimming over, ensuring I am never stuck with "what to write?"

Okay, so I have never had that particular problem so far but you know what I mean! Between the fabulous communities I am part of, my wonderful blogging mates and the internet - and life - there are always loads of thought starters to get me going. My photo album alone is enough to keep me buzzing for years.

Have I distracted you from wondering what my theme is going to be?



So - I am not decided yet. I am leveraging my procrastination. My excuse is too many choices. Why, I might even create a little ebook along the lines of " Stuck for what to write about? Here are (insert number) ideas to fuel your creativity ". Do you think I should? Let me know.

I've certainly been thinking about it. Leaning towards having a theme, I mean. The last two years I stuck to "variety" as a theme. I remember my son looking at me and saying "Really?" Thing is - I like the freedom it implies. Most days, my posts get composed in my head when I walk on my terrace.

I do know, however, that a theme can be a great way to go - as many of you must have found out by now.

Some of the ideas I am looking at are:

The first two need a lot of preparation that I am not at all sure I can handle at this particular time. The third one is too easy.

So - I just might go with the Letters to my son - the idea was born as I am secretly getting worked up over what the future holds for him. He's in Grade 12, which is a defining moment in his life. When I mentioned it to him, he smiled and said, "Sounds good". I asked him if it might sound preachy - and he paid me the best compliment ever - he said "No. Not the way you write"

Now that I am done wiping the tears, maybe I'll go ahead with that theme - unless I change my mind.

There's a whole week left to decide! One thing I can promise you though, and that is - everything you read here will be filled with positivity, be straight from the heart, and I'll always strive to put a smile on your face.

So April A to Z Challenge 2015 will see me participating with three blogs.

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles - you are here.

Life Hacks for Diabetics Life Hacks for Happiness

I am looking forward to connecting!

So let's party, eh? Have you decided on a theme? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

If you are sitting on the fence about participating in the A to Z Challenge, I'd say you should sign up for the sheer fun of it!

Theme Reveal Blogfest here below

I've enabled both Google+ comments + the usual. You choose which to use ♥

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