So here's my ultimate plan: I finish school here in NZ and move back to England to go to uni, but while I'm waiting for the first term of uni to start, I take a trip and travel around Europe. Despite having lived in England for most of my life, I never traveled around Europe that much, except for frequent visits to see my grandmother in Spain. We would always travel to America, The Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Canada I'm not complaining! Gosh no, traveling when I was younger was such a blessing, but now I'm older and haven't left NZ for six years, I'm ready to travel again and Europe is where I'd love to go.
I'd love to spend the rest of my life travelling, well maybe that's an exaggeration but I sure don't want to stop like I have for my education. The wanderlust is too much! So maybe sometime soon I might be able to go overseas... Exciting stuff (yet to be confirmed yet though)!
Anyway, Sophie's Wise Life Advice For The Day: Travel, travel, travel! (that's probably not very wise advice actually... ah well!)