To Waka Or Not to Waka

Posted on the 23 June 2013 by Red Hot News @buttrfly7740
The flock….or Flocka’s….tend to be divided when it comes to the topic of Waka Flocka working with Amanda Bynes on a record.  Is it some sort of publicity stunt?  If so, why would Waka need that kind of publicity, he’s doing just fine.  Some of the Hip Hop community seems to be offended, and they have every right to feel that way.  No one associates Amanda Bynes with Hip Hop, and just because you may listen to or love Hip Hop doesn’t mean you can BE Hip Hop.  It’s a way of life, not just lyrics on paper.  It’s a story of where people have been and what they have been through.  What will Amanda have to say?  It’s a hard knock life as a child being a star on Nickelodeon with some Hip Hop beats in the background?   Now I am not biased in either way.  I love listening to Hip Hop and I love Waka Flocka.  I also have a different way of looking at this.  There is something going on with Amanda that the world can’t quite put their finger on.  Is she or isn’t she crazy?  Is she just trying to stay relevant by doing some crazy antics or is there truly something wrong there?  No one but the people closest to her would know, and like any mentally ill person or a person addicted to something, they will never admit it.  Maybe she is absolutely sane and this collaboration has been in the works for a while.  If that is the case, then bravo to her because I think every person on the planet will listen to it hoping it’s going to be a hot mess and an epic failure.  That still means sales.  That still means money.   Amanda doesn’t seem to let anyone close to her now, but for some reason she has let Waka close.  Has anyone ever thought that maybe this is a good thing?  Not for Hip Hop, but for her.  It takes discipline to make a record.  It takes hard work and heart.  It means you have to bare your soul.  I think everyone can agree she has a troubled soul right now, a lost soul that needs to find its way.  Maybe since he can get close to her, he is helping her through this record.  She seems to be very interested in it and he took notice.  As a good person he reached out and will help her find her way.  Maybe this will be an epiphany for her.  No one is saying this will be the best record on the planet, no one is saying this will blow everything else out of the water, but I think she has something to say.  If anyone can translate that into viable Hip Hop lyrics and songs, it’s Waka.  No good deed goes unpunished; Waka will take a hit in the Hip Hop community.  He will lose respect from some.  I’m not saying to look the other way because it’s a pity record and I’m not saying it’s a pity record at all, but let’s just lay all the facts out on the table.  Let’s say she works really hard, Waka helps her lay some decent lyrics, and the songs are decent as well.  (Come on, I’ve heard some REALLY bad tries from celebs.  Paris Hilton, I’m talking to you).  What if she comes out of this a changed woman?  Maybe she realizes she needs help dealing with the stress of fame.  Maybe she worked it out through this record and made something she’s truly proud of.  Maybe she finds her way and is happy.  We don’t need or want to see another headline about another celebs life cut short because of the stress of fame.  Yes, they brought it on themselves.  Yes, they knew what they were getting into.  Blah blah.  She really didn’t though, she was a child.   All diagnoses or life changes aside I’m rooting for this record!  Man, I always root for the underdog!  If Miley Cyrus can start collaborating with Snoop, then why can’t Amanda collaborate with Waka?  I mean let’s not get out of control here, I don’t want every great lyricist to start taking on all of the Nickelodeon and Disney white chick charity cases who now have an itch to twerk and rap.  Let’s just call a spade a spade.  This is not going to make history or win awards, but from what I see on Amanda’s twitter feed, it’s going to make some money.  Many may disagree with me but I guess let’s wait and see.  If it doesn’t I will eat some humble pie.Peace, love, and butterflies….
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