Today's Word is Frustration

Posted on the 17 March 2014 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27


Have you ever felt that the thing you need is just out of reach? You can smell it and see it, but you just can't get grip of it.

I've been feeling like that for a while. The very thing, is just over there. Or, in fact, it might be right here if only I knew what it looked like.

Then I read about the importance of doing the creative things first - because they fuel the rest. This wasn't a new piece of knowledge, but I needed a reminder. Thanks to Thea Jolly.

So, with this in mind I was pondering a blog post. Fruitless as much of what's on my mind is too boring for even me, let alone a wider audience.

But one word kept coming up - frustration. A word of today. Kate on Thin Ice reminded me that a single word was enough to fire a whole post.

So here's what I'm frustrated about today:

My computer. Would someone please explain how after almost exactly two years of perfect service a computer will suddenly start, well, not starting very well and crashing and stuff. However, I'm hoping that Stefan from Budapest will relieve my frustration as he's currently delving in my programme files. (He's a Bitdefender employee, not a figment of my imagination)

My car. More accurately the tedious process that removes a 'cherished' registration number from one car and replaces it on another. Perhaps if I can find the right form and the correct phone number, someone from DVLA could tell me why it's so complicated.

Boy Three. I know he's only little and I've done this before, but could someone please remind me when they start doing things without arguing, falling over, losing concentration after a milisecond, wiping sticky stuff on things or yelling, very loudly.

Boy Two. Why aren't the hormones of puberty spelled hormoans?

Boy One. Current affairs discussions are good, to be encouraged, but there is a limit. Shhh now.

The new season. Mostly I welcome the green shoots, the wee birds and the rejuvination. But, somehow, once again the garden is growing and looking even worst than it did last year.

Numerous other things. Once upon a time, it was easy to decide on an objective, make a plan, excecute the plan, achieve the objective and still have time to sit back and bask a while before bedtime. Now, though, I can make a plan, have an objective (or six), work really really had and find that bedtime arrives without any sense of achievement at all.

But, of course, it'll all be different tomorrow and I already know the day's word will be hope.

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