Today Schedule

Posted on the 22 March 2012 by Paige

I slept in today till 7:30a.m. today because I was up till like almost 11:00p.m. I usually get up at 5:30a.m. and go to bed at 9:30p.m. I need at least 8 hours of sleep a night or I can't get any work done and I got 8 hours of sleep today but I'm still tired.

Here is my schedule for today:
9:15a.m.- Blog9:55a.m.-Eat10:05a.m.-Get dressed10:10a.m.-Brush Teeth (It takes forever to brush your teeth with braces)10:45a.m.-Clean Room12:00a.m.-Yoga1:00p.m.-Math2:45p.m.-Walk (Mom and me walk to get my sister from her bus stop)