Shortly before Noah was born, the VERY kind and thoughtful people at KD Toys (who we are very proud ambassadors for!) asked if they could send Tyne a little gift to keep him occupied whilst we were finding out feet with the new baby and entertaining visitors who may be bringing baby gifts.
It's so easy for an older sibling to feel a bit jealous when so much attention is lavished on the new baby so I thought it was lovely of them to think of Tyne and want to send him a big brother gift.
I can't begin to tell you what a lifesaver that gift has been - from the moment it arrived Tyne completely fell in love with it, and it's become a favorite toy that he plays with every single day.
So let me tell you a little about it.

The item we were sent is the Peppa Pig's First Discovery Tablet - it is a sleek, stylish looking tablet reminiscent of our own grown-up ones which Tyne is often so keen to get his hands on - so to have his very own was a real treat and he squealed with delight when he opened it! The tablet is lovely and colourful, has a touch sensitive screen and features the voice of Peppa herself!
It can be used in various modes and encourages children to learn about colours, numbers, letters, musical instruments and characters and there is even a quiz mode.
The tablet is aimed at children aged 2+ and I think this is certainly appropriate, as Tyne had just turned two when it arrived and has thoroughly enjoyed it ever since - infact I can certainly see him getting more play out of it yet.

I can't be sure how linked it is, but over the last few weeks since using this tablet Tyne can recite his ABCs perfectly - maybe these are skills which would have come anyway, who knows, but I can say that we have not taught him these things ourselves and he doesn't go to a playschool or nursery who may have done - so he's picked it up somewhere and I suspect this tablet may have played a part.
It's had its fair share of drops off the sofa and bashes with falling toy trains over the last few weeks of course, and has survived them all with no signs of damage so I can vouch for its durability around destructive toddlers!
I highly recommend this for any toddlers, especially those who are fans of Peppa Pig!
The Peppa Pig's First Discovery Tablet is made by KD Toys and you can read more about it HERE or purchase from Argos HERE for £24.99
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