Top 3 Types of Video to Improve Your Social Traffic

Posted on the 01 February 2017 by Lildevilmama @lildevilmama

Video is a HUGE part of social media in today's brand market, and every business should be utilizing video in some form or fashion. Whether you're owning Facebook LIVE or telling your stories on Instagram, there are ways to create content without spending a ton of cash.

Deanna and Nathan chatter today about the Top 3 Types of Video to Improve Your Social Traffic during today's podcast. Things that they cover with diligence are the following...

1. Tell Your Story - everyone wants to know where you came from, what inspired you and why you bother doing what you do.
2. Product Information - what is your product? What are you selling me and why should I care about adding your product or service to my life?
3. Promotions Drive Traffic - people adore free goodies, discounts, contents and of course once in a lifetime opportunities!

We hope you love the podcast, and will share it with your friends and family and coworkers and anyone who has a desire to make their marketing sharper.

The Social Life Hosts

  • Deanna L. Miller
    Partner & Marketing Director
  • Nathan Imhoff
    Partner & Creative Director