In case you’re wondering, that’s my ‘OMG-I-can’t-believe-I-chose-looking-cute-and-wearing-high-wasted-shorts-in-the-rain-over-warmth!’ look on my face. Those daggers of intent coming out of my eyes are attempting to shatter the glass door so that a wave of heat will spill out. My claw was ready just in case.
Anyway, I was definitely having second thoughts about this little extravaganza. Not because I’m afraid of heights, but because it will cost you a whopping $25USD. My better half surprised me by insisting that we still do it. Coming from the guy who is happy to skip with me a dinky little museum because it costs 7 euro, I gave an eye roll and tagged along. I’m still not sure whether it was worth the $25, but it was kinda neat, albeit chilly, up there.
The practicals:
Top of the Rock website
Hours of operation: 8am-12pm (last elevator at 11)
Cost: $25USD
Surprises: The people who worked there were surprisingly friendly, like crazy friendly. So much for New Yorkers being total jerks…
Amy x